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Mid-State League Rules Overview

Catorgory Details
Grade K & 1st 1st & 2nd 3rd & 4th 5th & 6th 5th & 6th
Game Type Flag Tackle Tackle Tackle Tackle
League Rec League Rec League Rec League Rec League Advance
Players Per Team Recommendation 7 to 10 13 to 18 13 to 22 13 & up 13 & up
Ball Size K2 (Pee Wee) K2 (Pee Wee) K2 (Pee Wee) TDJ (Junior) TDJ (Junior)
Weight Limit no minimum or maximum 50 lbs. minimum / no maximum and parents sign league waivers. no minimum or maximum no minimum or maximum no minimum or maximum
Maximum Running Weight No Limits 70 lbs. 95 120 125
Single Striper Weight No Limits 71 - to - 89 lbs. 96 - to - 114 lbs. 121 - to - 140 lbs. 126 - to - 145 lbs.
Double Striper Weight No Limits 90 lbs. and up 115 lbs. and up 141 lbs. and up 146 lbs. and up
Franklin None None
Greenwood None None
Martinsville Will have a $2 per individual gate fee and $5 for entire family. Players and coaches do not pay. None
Mooresville None None (All Stars - Yes)
Plainfield None None
Whiteland None None
Perry None None